GPU Test
This is a GPU test program which will verify the rendering of all GPU primitives as well as some other aspects of the GPU. Once all tests has been run, the results of the tests will be shown, like in the screenshot below.
GPU Plugin
A GPU plugin for your favourite Playstation emulator. Uses the same software simulation as the GPU Test above.
Here are examples of some (probably) unusual PSX resolutions, 720×576 15bit and 680×576/720×576 24bit (PAL interlace). This is accomplished by setting the PSX to display an image with 576 rows and then constantly updating the upper (and left for the 24x version) part of the image using DMA as the PSX has a hardcoded framebuffer of 1024×512 15bit pixels. Luckily the RAMDAC wraps when reaching the bottom and right of the image, making it possible to show more than 512 lines (and more than 680 24bit pixels).
This is a picture of “Penny” (Kaley Cuoco). The screenshots are scaled to 768×576 to have the right proportions on a 1:1 (square) pixel monitor.
These examples will show the same pictures as above, but this time they will be slowly emerging from the center of the display. This effect is created by carefully modifying the display range and offset registers each field.
This is a picture of “Penny” (Kaley Cuoco). The screenshots are scaled to 768×576 to have the right proportions on a 1:1 (square) pixel monitor.
A little program to test the different PSX resolutions. Usefull to figure out the maximum resolution a certain TV can show.